Sunday, November 22, 2009

Final Essay Draft

Here's my essay.
I've worked long and hard on this sucker.
And now here I am wondering if I've even followed the


  1. OK here is my attempt at Harris' Coming to Terms.

    Project: To detail and explain the controversy surrounding the trial of Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and how the debate about his trial has shaped.

    Keywords and Passages: Quotes were used nicely to explain both sides of the controversy. I also liked your take at the end of the essay regarding how the death penalty might make KSM a martyr.

    Strengths: Touches on most opinions from both the right and the left, doesn't leave out any political side.
    Weaknesses: While every opinion is touched, no side has much depth. More information about the debate would probably be beneficial.

  2. Project: To provide a timeline of the controversial decision to try Khalid Sheikh Mohammed in NYC, and the issues that go along with it.

    Keywords/Quotes: Your quote from Silverstein was particularly effective, and generally all of your quotes were explained well and added a lot of substance and stability to your paper. Some keywords (or, rather, issues that are brought up) seemed to be the death penalty and terrorism.

    Strengths: I believe your quotes were extremely well chosen, and you offered opinions from both sides of the controversy. You also proffered your own opinion, which, besides being nice to read, brought up many good concerns and logical reasons that culminate in a strong conclusion.

    Weaknesses: You could provide a few more facts, although I like that you don't bog down the reader with too much information - perhaps just a little more background info, and explaining exactly what both sides (right and the left) want as a result of this issue - do they want no trial? or if there is a trial, what would they want the outcome to be?
